How to easily obtain Quick Balls in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Posted by Sebrina Pilcher on Wednesday, May 29, 2024

There are many different kinds of Poke Balls that you can get your hands on in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. While certain options like the standard Poke Ball, Premier Ball, Great Ball, and Ultra Ball are mainstays of the series, there are a few others in Scarlet and Violet that provide specific advantages.

Presently, one of the most sought-after balls in the games is the Quick Ball, which gives you a significantly higher success rate of catching a Pokemon as soon as the encounter begins.

If you have initiated a battle with a Pokemon having a very low catch rate, then the chances of it getting caught will be much higher if you throw a Quick Ball at it as your first move as soon as the encounter begins.

Unfortunately, Quick Balls are not that easy to come by in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Today’s guide will go over some of the ways that you can easily obtain them in Nintendo's newest two titles.

Obtaining Quick Balls in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

There are a few different ways that you can get your hands on a fair number of Quick Balls in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. To obtain Quick Balls in the games, you can follow the easy steps given ahead.

1) Purchase from the Delibird Presents Shop and Poke Mart

One of the most straightforward ways to obtain Quick Balls in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is to purchase them directly from the Delibird Presents Shop and Poke Mart. At multiple towns in the Paldea region, you may come across these outlets that sell you a variety of useful items.

However, to unlock the Delibird Presents Shop and Poke Mart, you will first be required to unlock it, which can only be done after defeating six Gym Leaders in either of the games. Once you have obtained six Badges, the Shop and the Mart will be accessible to you across Paldea.

You can find Delibird Presents Shops in the following towns:

  • Cascarrafa
  • Levincia
  • Mesagoza

With Poke Marts scattered all over the map, you will need to explore the wide open world of Paldea to find them. Quick Balls will cost you 1,000 Poke Dollars, making them one of the most expensive items to purchase in the games.

2) Get them as a reward for progressing the Pokedex

The second way to obtain Quick Balls in the games is by catching Pokemon, evolving them, and then adding them to the Pokedex. Upon reaching certain additional milestones, you will be rewarded with Quick Balls.

After catching and indexing 120 Pokemon, you can open up your Pokedex in Scarlet and Violet, then press X to access the Rewards menu, and claim a Quick Ball. The next milestone will be at 200 entries, where you will need to make your way to Jacq in the Biology Lab of the Academy to get another Quick Ball.

3) Find them as dropped items

The third method of obtaining a Quick Ball will be by exploring everything that Paldea has to offer and by interacting with all dropped items. You may sometimes encounter items lying on the ground, and by interacting with them, there's a fair chance of getting a rare Quick Ball for free.

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