Did Niall Horan Have Braces?

Posted by Valentine Belue on Thursday, June 6, 2024

Your smile is the first thing people see, especially as a celebrity who has to appear before the paparazzi. It is no surprise celebrities go through rigorous dental procedures or use braces, on rare occasions, to fix their dentition. 

Niall Horan, an Irish singer and songwriter, has perfect dentition. But did he achieve that on his own?

Niall Horan had braces when he was younger.

Niall Horan has his fair share of history with braces and askew dentition. So, let’s take a brief look at how he transitioned from using braces to having the perfect smile.

Why did Niall Horan need braces?

Niall Horan made his debut in 2010 in The X Factor alongside Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, and Harry Styles. Despite his extraordinary vocal prowess, there was one problem – he had crooked teeth. 

This should not have been a problem, but Hollywood holds people to high beauty standards.

Some people even picked on his crooked teeth. And although bullying is not enough reason to change yourself, getting braces is not a bad idea because of its many benefits

We cannot say he got braces because of trolls because he did not respond to their insults.

What kind of braces did Niall Horan get?

Wearing braces can be uncomfortable and embarrassing because they are not a pleasant sight to behold. Most people get metal braces as it is the cheapest option.

However, metal braces have many issues, including being hard to clean. They are also very visible, meaning that they could not have an ideal option for a singer and TV personality like Niall Horan.

So in 2011, the Irish singer got clear braces. These braces were able to align his teeth and also not appear visible to the world.

When did Niall Horan get his braces out?

Niall Horan shared his braces journey with his fans on social media. For him, it wasn’t a big deal, and what is the best way to connect with fans if you do not let them in on tiny details?

Niall Horan got his braces in 2011 and took them out in 2013. He spent 15 months with the braces and excitedly announced on Twitter that he was going to take them out.

According to the tweet, he said, ‘Morning. ! This is it! I’m going to the dentist! I think this is my last hour with braces! Oh, how I’m gonna miss them! Naaaaaaat!’

To celebrate taking out the braces, he posed with a wide grin in front of a platter of food at a Japanese restaurant. The singer received many congratulatory messages. But just as is normal fashion for people, there were some bad eggs under his tweet.

Did their opinions matter? Not particularly because the singer has a lot to smile about.

Did braces work for Niall Horan’s teeth?

Niall Horan had oddly crooked teeth, which were obvious. He did not even need to grin widely before people saw them. His option was to get braces, which he did.

The braces worked perfectly for him because 15 months after wearing them, his teeth became aligned. Before and after pictures of his teeth says it all. 

If people did not study the pictures carefully, they would almost think he had chipped teeth. However, it was just bad dentition. So, let this be a sign from the universe for you to get braces.

Did Niall Horan use false teeth?

There is a replica of almost every human part, including the teeth. In a situation where you need to improve your dentition, false teeth could be an option, especially when you are scared of braces.

However, Niall Horan did not use false teeth. He simply used braces to fix the problem and moved on with it. 

Did Niall Horan fix his teeth with a surgical procedure?

Niall did not have perfect teeth as a teenager. However, they were not bad enough to require a surgical procedure. He simply used clear braces to align his teeth.

After the braces did their job, the singer went through the typical Hollywood teeth whitening process. 

What health issue did Niall Horan have?

He has had asthma since he was young and is currently managing it. 

In 2016, Niall started dealing with what he suspected was a nasty chest infection. Upon further tests, it was revealed that he had pneumonia, and he shared it on Twitter.

The Irishman made light of the situation and has since recovered. The singer is still up on his feet performing with a smile.
